Motmos/District 268

Berthing Cr1,300

World Data

Motmos stands at the very edge of known space on the border between the Spinward Marches and the unexplored vastness of the Trojan Reaches Sector. It is a resource-rich world that huddles precariously in the narrow habitable zone of the cool red primary star, and would be notably less hospitable if its average temperature was not boosted ever so slightly by the system’s secondary star (a red dwarf). Thus, against the odds, Motmos enjoys a temperate climate that, together with the dense atmosphere, make it a prime agricultural planet. Motmos is also a world of striking beauty with towering mountain ranges, lush valleys, colorful deserts, and a network of small seas and lakes.
The planet is governed by a civil service bureaucracy whose members are selected by competitive examinations that test both their technical skills and their knowledge of Separatist principles. In order to uphold those principles, the government strictly regulates almost every aspect of daily life. Whether its aim is to prevent environmental damage, halt the introduction of prohibited technologies, control population growth, or merely to ensure that Motmos’ exacting agricultural quality control standards are met, the bureaucracy rigidly and inflexibly enforces thousands of pages of highly-detailed rules and regulations. This necessitates a pervasive system of administration and law enforcement that employs large numbers of police and junior bureaucrats distributed in even the smallest settlements. Since many agencies have responsibilities that overlap in confusing and unpredictable ways, navigating one’s way through Motmos’ labyrinthine bureaucracy can be a tedious and highly frustrating experience. The inhabitants do not find this oppressive because they have been inculcated in the doctrines of Separatism since birth.
The Motmosians themselves are committed pacifists and maintain no armed forces of any kind.


  • Barton McKay - Selma’s uncle, owner of Tyrex Walkers
  • Selma McKay - pax, rescued, onbound to Motmos where her family (uncle) business Tyrex Walkers has factory making walkers
  • Tyrex demo team;
    • Sal Gazaway, team lead and systems programmer
    • Hollie Mitten, Chief Engineer
    • Tony Demario, Weapons Systems
    • Shaun Lynskey, Sales and Contracts


  • Tyrex - Walker vehicles and security walker robots


  • Trensham (Thalsal II) - rented to Tyrex Walkers

